Kmer statistics computation

Counting k-mer occurrences in immunarch is rather straightforward. All you need to do is to run the getKmers() function on your data:

kmers <- getKmers(immdata$data[[1]], 3)
## # A tibble: 4,405 × 2
##    Kmer  Count
##    <chr> <int>
##  1 AAA       6
##  2 AAD       5
##  3 AAE       9
##  4 AAF       2
##  5 AAG      37
##  6 AAI       2
##  7 AAK       5
##  8 AAL       4
##  9 AAM       1
## 10 AAN      13
## # ℹ 4,395 more rows

It is also possible to compute occurrences of k-mers in a batch of immune repertoires. In order to do that, you just need to provide a list of immune repertoires to the function. NA means that there is no such kmer found in a sample, specified by the column name.

kmers <- getKmers(immdata$data, 5)
## # A tibble: 172,926 × 13
##    Kmer  `A2-i129` `A2-i131` `A2-i133` `A2-i132` `A4-i191` `A4-i192`   MS1   MS2
##    <chr>     <int>     <int>     <int>     <int>     <int>     <int> <int> <int>
##  1 AAAAG        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA    NA     1
##  2 AAAAL        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA    NA    NA
##  3 AAAAW        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA         1    NA    NA
##  4 AAADE        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA    NA    NA
##  5 AAADN        NA         1        NA        NA        NA        NA    NA    NA
##  6 AAADT        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA    NA    NA
##  7 AAAEA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA    NA    NA
##  8 AAAEN        NA        NA        NA         1        NA        NA    NA    NA
##  9 AAAET        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA    NA    NA
## 10 AAAFE        NA        NA        NA         1        NA        NA    NA    NA
## # ℹ 172,916 more rows
## # ℹ 4 more variables: MS3 <int>, MS4 <int>, MS5 <int>, MS6 <int>

Note that by default getKmers() filter out all non-coding sequences before counting the k-mer statistics. You can use both coding and non-coding sequences by setting the .coding argument to FALSE:

kmers <- getKmers(immdata$data[[1]], 3, .coding = F)
## # A tibble: 4,645 × 2
##    Kmer  Count
##    <chr> <int>
##  1 **G       1
##  2 *~G       4
##  3 *~L       1
##  4 *AA       1
##  5 *D~       1
##  6 *EE       1
##  7 *G~       1
##  8 *GG       1
##  9 *GP       1
## 10 *HL       1
## # ℹ 4,635 more rows

Kmer statistics visualisation

To visualise your k-mer statistics, the vis() function comes to help:

kmers <- getKmers(immdata$data, 5)

The vis() function for k-mers has a number of arguments to manipulate the plot. First, the .head argument specifies the number of the most abundant k-mers to visualise.

p1 <- vis(kmers, .head = 5)
p2 <- vis(kmers, .head = 10)
p3 <- vis(kmers, .head = 30)

(p1 + p2) / p3

Second, there are three options to choose from for positions of bars: “stack”, “dodge” and “fill”, adjusted by providing the correposnding option to the .position argument:

p1 <- vis(kmers, .head = 10, .position = "stack")
p2 <- vis(kmers, .head = 10, .position = "fill")
p3 <- vis(kmers, .head = 10, .position = "dodge")

(p1 + p2) / p3

Option “stack” stacks all the bars on top of each other so you can see the full distribution of k-mers. Option “fill” stack all bars on top of each other as well, but normalises it in such a way that you can see distribution of counts per k-mer, i.e., you can clearly see which repertoire has more k-mer counts than others for a specific k-mer. Option “dodge” groups k-mer bars of different samples so that you can clearly see which samples has more k-mer occurrences overall.

Additional argument is .log needed if your distribution of k-mer counts is vastly imbalanced for some of repertoires. It permits to use the log-transformation of y-axis so you can see differences in orders of magnitude in k-mer counts.

p1 <- vis(kmers, .head = 10, .position = "stack")
p2 <- vis(kmers, .head = 10, .position = "stack", .log = T)

p1 + p2

Sequence motifs analysis

immunarch utilises common approaches to sequence motif analysis and uses different types of matrices to represent sequence motifs:

  • position frequency matrix (PFM) - a matrix with occurences of each amino acid in each position;
  • position probability matrix (PPM) - a matrix with probabilities of occurences of each amino acid in each position;
  • position weight matrix (PWM) - a matrix with log likelihoods of PPM elements;
  • a matrix with self-information of elements in PWM.

To compute and visualise sequence motifs, first you need to compute k-mer statistics for one of the input immune repertoires, and then apply the kmer_profile() function to compute sequence motif matrices:

kmers <- getKmers(immdata$data[[1]], 5)
##    [,1]  [,2]  [,3] [,4] [,5]
## A  8955  8976  3791 3246 3159
## C  6469    26    27   18   10
## D  2129  2131  2131 2130 2085
## E  3315  5868  5872 5870 5720
## F   688   691   691 2600 9029
## G  9194  9603  9603 9566 9326
## H   405   405   405  680  659
## I   750  1020  1107  896  852
## K   721  1099  1100 1100 1044
## L  3073  3078  4108 4097 4033
## M   241   245   246  246  226
## N  2421  2423  2424 2419 2355
## P  2285  2564  2564 2559 2509
## Q  2459  2466  7087 7086 7051
## R  3487  3502  3504 3496 2917
## S 14021 14029 13082 8128 3462
## T  3408  5669  5671 6024 5797
## V  1703  1927  1927 1561 1508
## W   485   486   487  450  439
## Y  2060  2061  2442 6097 6088
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "immunr_kmer_profile_pfm" "matrix"                 
## [3] "array"

Currently we do not support sequence motifs analysis for more than one sample, but we are working on including it into our following release. In order to compute and visualise sequence motif matrices for all of your samples you need to process them one by one, which can be easily done in for-loops or via the lapply() function.

Argument .method specifies which matrix to compute:

  • .method = "freq" - position frequency matrix (PFM);
  • .method = "prob" - position probability matrix (PPM);
  • .method = "wei" - position weight matrix (PWM);
  • .method = "self" - self-information matrix.
kmer_profile(kmers, "freq")
##    [,1]  [,2]  [,3] [,4] [,5]
## A  8955  8976  3791 3246 3159
## C  6469    26    27   18   10
## D  2129  2131  2131 2130 2085
## E  3315  5868  5872 5870 5720
## F   688   691   691 2600 9029
## G  9194  9603  9603 9566 9326
## H   405   405   405  680  659
## I   750  1020  1107  896  852
## K   721  1099  1100 1100 1044
## L  3073  3078  4108 4097 4033
## M   241   245   246  246  226
## N  2421  2423  2424 2419 2355
## P  2285  2564  2564 2559 2509
## Q  2459  2466  7087 7086 7051
## R  3487  3502  3504 3496 2917
## S 14021 14029 13082 8128 3462
## T  3408  5669  5671 6024 5797
## V  1703  1927  1927 1561 1508
## W   485   486   487  450  439
## Y  2060  2061  2442 6097 6088
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "immunr_kmer_profile_pfm" "matrix"                 
## [3] "array"
kmer_profile(kmers, "prob")
##          [,1]         [,2]         [,3]         [,4]         [,5]
## A 0.131172274 0.1314798811 0.0555303286 0.0475472030 0.0462728325
## C 0.094757503 0.0003808464 0.0003954943 0.0002636629 0.0001464794
## D 0.031185458 0.0312147534 0.0312147534 0.0312001055 0.0305409483
## E 0.048557911 0.0859540934 0.0860126851 0.0859833892 0.0837861987
## F 0.010077781 0.0101217244 0.0101217244 0.0380846358 0.1322562217
## G 0.134673131 0.1406641375 0.1406641375 0.1401221638 0.1366066590
## H 0.005932414 0.0059324144 0.0059324144 0.0099605970 0.0096529904
## I 0.010985953 0.0149408956 0.0162152661 0.0131245514 0.0124800422
## K 0.010561162 0.0160980826 0.0161127305 0.0161127305 0.0152924461
## L 0.045013110 0.0450863496 0.0601737245 0.0600125972 0.0590751293
## M 0.003530153 0.0035887445 0.0036033925 0.0036033925 0.0033104337
## N 0.035462655 0.0354919510 0.0355065989 0.0354333592 0.0344958913
## P 0.033470536 0.0375573101 0.0375573101 0.0374840704 0.0367516735
## Q 0.036019277 0.0361218122 0.1038099284 0.1037952804 0.1032826026
## R 0.051077356 0.0512970748 0.0513263707 0.0512091872 0.0427280318
## S 0.205378722 0.2054959059 0.1916243097 0.1190584306 0.0507111573
## T 0.049920169 0.0830391539 0.0830684498 0.0882391715 0.0849140899
## V 0.024945436 0.0282265743 0.0282265743 0.0228654294 0.0220890888
## W 0.007104249 0.0071188973 0.0071335452 0.0065915716 0.0064304443
## Y 0.030174750 0.0301893978 0.0357702618 0.0893084709 0.0891766395
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "immunr_kmer_profile_ppm" "matrix"                 
## [3] "array"
kmer_profile(kmers, "wei")
##       [,1]      [,2]      [,3]       [,4]      [,5]
## A 8.806550 8.8099289 7.5664346  7.3425192  7.303324
## C 8.337399 0.3785116 0.4329594 -0.1520031 -1.000000
## D 6.734032 6.7353868 6.7353868  6.7347096  6.703904
## E 7.372865 8.1967251 8.1977082  8.1972167  8.159871
## F 5.104337 5.1106138 5.1106138  7.0223678  8.818422
## G 8.844549 8.9073414 8.9073414  8.9017720  8.865115
## H 4.339850 4.3398500 4.3398500  5.0874628  5.042207
## I 5.228819 5.6724253 5.7905114  5.4854268  5.412782
## K 5.171927 5.7800476 5.7813597  5.7813597  5.705978
## L 7.263504 7.2658494 7.6822924  7.6784241  7.655710
## M 3.590961 3.6147098 3.6205864  3.6205864  3.498251
## N 6.919459 6.9206506 6.9212459  6.9182670  6.879583
## P 6.836050 7.0022525 7.0022525  6.9994363  6.970969
## Q 6.941928 6.9460290 8.4690312  8.4688277  8.461684
## R 7.445843 7.4520353 7.4528590  7.4495614  7.188342
## S 9.453374 9.4541965 9.3533674  8.6667566  7.435462
## T 7.412782 8.1469505 8.1474593  8.2345780  8.179163
## V 6.411935 6.5902128 6.5902128  6.2863267  6.236493
## W 4.599913 4.6028844 4.6058499  4.4918531  4.456149
## Y 6.686501 6.6872007 6.9319194  8.2519557  8.249825
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "immunr_kmer_profile_pwm" "matrix"                 
## [3] "array"
kmer_profile(kmers, "self")
##         [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]       [,5]
## A 0.38439580 0.384852924 0.231593692 0.208945980 0.20515943
## C 0.32213912 0.004325845 0.004470689 0.003134693 0.00186571
## D 0.15602031 0.156124588 0.156124588 0.156072452 0.15371599
## E 0.21191400 0.304302404 0.304425277 0.304363847 0.29971526
## F 0.06684268 0.067070605 0.067070605 0.179555617 0.38600202
## G 0.38953746 0.398033587 0.398033587 0.397280373 0.39232070
## H 0.04388305 0.043883048 0.043883048 0.066233509 0.06462492
## I 0.07149874 0.090610399 0.096424136 0.082049289 0.07892670
## K 0.06933496 0.095895752 0.095961867 0.095961867 0.09222931
## L 0.20136664 0.201588530 0.243987757 0.243566576 0.24110364
## M 0.02875681 0.029148878 0.029246677 0.029246677 0.02727388
## N 0.17084331 0.170942166 0.170991579 0.170744427 0.16756143
## P 0.16403791 0.177824941 0.177824941 0.177583728 0.17516018
## Q 0.17271556 0.173059094 0.339249150 0.339222412 0.33828469
## R 0.21918174 0.219806921 0.219890176 0.219557010 0.19435586
## S 0.46901135 0.469109844 0.456764807 0.365540136 0.21813673
## T 0.21586646 0.298115914 0.298178816 0.309052134 0.30211178
## V 0.13283645 0.145276593 0.145276593 0.124632326 0.12150152
## W 0.05070375 0.050787142 0.050870488 0.047757003 0.04681920
## Y 0.15239801 0.152450850 0.171879524 0.311245305 0.31097592
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "immunr_kmer_profile_self" "matrix"                  
## [3] "array"

Sequence motif visualisation

Visualisation of sequence motif matrices is done by vis(). There are two types of plots to choose from - sequence logo and “text logo”. The argument .plot regulates the type of plot: .plot = "seq" for sequence logo plots and .plot = "text" (by default) for “text logo” plots.

kp <- kmer_profile(kmers, "self")
p1 <- vis(kp)
p2 <- vis(kp, .plot = "seq")

p1 + p2
## Warning: ggrepel: 13 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps

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