Visualises matrices with overlap values or gene usage distances among samples. For details see the links below.
Output from repOverlap or geneUsageAnalysis.
A string specifying the plot type:
- "heatmap" for heatmaps using vis_heatmap;
- "heatmap2" for heatmaps using vis_heatmap2;
- "circos" for circos plots using vis_circos;
Other arguments are passed through to the underlying plotting function:
- "heatmap" - passes arguments to vis_heatmap;
- "heatmap2" - passes arguments to vis_heatmap2 and heatmap from the "pheatmap" package;
- "circos" - passes arguments to vis_circos and chordDiagram from the "circlize" package;
A ggplot2, pheatmap or circlize object.